Week Three - 15-22 April (& still not too late to join us... )
This week we take on the Smaller Hourglass Blocks - a bit more fiddly, but sew satisfying! These blocks give the Me Sew Happy Quilt it's movement, that is, they keep your eye moving around the quilt top. Take your time & enjoy making something that is a little more challenging. Be sure to read my tips regarding pinning & flipping seams to help with your joins.
This week's Instagram homework:
search our hashtag (#mesewhappyquilt), & take a look at all of the fabulous Smaller & Bigger Squares Blocks that are emerging - patchwork eye candy indeed!
share a picture of your first completed Smaller Hourglass Block - to celebrate these trickier blocks, there is another great Giveaway this week (details below) & if you'd like to be in the running we need to see gorgeous block!
This week's "Me Sew Happy" target:
sort through your scraps & your stash, pulling out any fabrics that you'd like to use for this week's blocks. These Smaller Hourglass Blocks are perfect for your smaller prints. Again, variety is the key, not too much of any one fabric.
iron your fabrics before you cut - this ensures a better finish
enjoy making your first two Smaller Hourglass Blocks - they're fiddly & a bit pernickety, but get them right & you'll be feeling pretty pleased with yourself!
your Instagram homework (above)
"Me Sew Happy" Week Three Giveaway - an Amy Butler FQ Bundle (now OOP, so quite a bit special!). The winner will be announced here, in the Week Four "Me Sew Happy" QAL Blog post. Be sure to complete the homework above to be eligible.
Happy Hourglass sewing!
From These Clever Hands, to Yours...
Jo xo