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"Language of Flowers" is a new collection by Odile Bailleoul. This Curated Fabric Bundle features six prints from this wonderful range. Available in your choice of fat eighth, fat quarter, half metre or metre cut bundles.


"To make sure that our quilts are not only pretty but also carry messages of love & affection, I’ve created fabrics that can be used to carry these sentiments. I was interested in the language of flowers, which was once used by lovers to communicate their thoughts & emotions... The Victorian era was full of these delicate pictures & floral cards. Isn’t this a wonderful way of communicating - through bouquets? So why not incorporate it into our quilts? You too can compose messages for those you love: for new babies, for visitors coming into your home, for friends going far away, and for cherished grandmothers... It will make your work all the more precious." - Odile Bailleoul.

'Language of Flowers'


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