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'Sweet Something' Quilt Along Week Ten

Week Ten - January 3 (Happy New Year!)

2022. Here we are. Given the last couple of years, who knows what we should expect. I think that one of the things that I've learnt from our record breaking lockdowns is to (try to) hold my plans gently, to be adaptable & accept that life will unfold any which way. Time & again I have faced speed bumps of adversity - unplanned hospital trips, unexpected surgeries, loss of loved ones, a global pandemic, job loss, unemployment - the vast majority of which I had only the tiniest smidge of control over. I am coming to accept that this is part of life. In order to have the beautiful moments we also have to face the challenges. We have a print on our wall that says "There is beauty amongst the chaos". My plan for 2022 (I don't do resolutions) is to notice & enjoy the beauty more, & to accept that I have very little control of the chaos. I will try to hold life gently. And the beauty will definitely include fabulous fabric & lots of sewing!

This is again a recap of the last two weeks 'Sweet Something' blogs. This week is again somewhat optional. It is up to you as to when, or even if, you'd like to be working on your Scrappy Borders this week. Remember, your quilt, your rules. Next week we will begin to put our quilt top together, so the end of our Quilt Along is near.

This week's Instagram homework:

  1. search our hashtag (#sweetsomethingquilt), then like & comment on each other's posts; take a look at what everyone else is making

  2. anytime over the three weeks (December 20 - January 9), I'd love to see a picture of your Scrappy Borders being made

This week's 'Sweet Something' target: is entirely optional. Over the three weeks (December 20 - January 9), we will be working on our Scrappy Borders sewing. Just enjoy some sewing when you feel the need to be back at your sewing machine. No pressure, no should's, just some sweet making amongst your seasonal plans.

From These Clever Hands, to Yours...

Jo xo

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